150 Lake Dr
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
How to Talk with Anyone about Anything
The Practice of Safe Conversations
Talking is the most dangerous thing most of us do and listening is the most infrequent. Instead of listening, we engage in “parallel monologues” about the “truth” of our different perspectives and find ourselves in conflict and polarization, rather than connection, with nearly everyone.
Conflict and polarization have been going on for centuries, with everyone, everywhere.
Instead, let’s make a shift toward safety and true connection. We will guide you to Connect with anyone, anywhere
- Replace parallel monologues by learning and practicing a relational skill called Dialogue
- Talk without criticism, listen without judgment, and connect beyond difference
This workshop is open to anyone looking to have efficient, connecting conversations with everyone: an intimate partner, a friend, a child, a colleague, or those with different political, social, and ethical backgrounds.